Sync presets

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2023-08-03 20:47:52

Hi I’m a big fan of Photomator however a feature I do feel is missing is the ability to sync image editing presets between different devices via iCloud.

Also the ability to synchronise saved colours would be nice too.
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2023-09-23 16:22:59

pls i miss this function too, is plan add this in future updates?
Great if all will be synced --> presets, workflows, LUTs
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2023-11-14 16:20:23

+1 for this as well. I work across Mac, iOS, and iPad, and it would be immensely helpful to have my custom settings synced (presets, LUTs). Right now it's a bit of a mess working around it
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Yesterday 23:14:27

Wanting to give my +1 here. I was surprised that even the default presets on iOS and Mac aren't the same. Thought maybe I had messed something up so I went to "Reset Library" but no, Mac still has a lot more presets than iOS.

For LUTs, the easy solution would be to just allow the LUT folder to bein iCloud instead of "On My Phone"