Edit mask inline as BW image with all tools

What features would you like to see in Pixelmator Photo?
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2023-12-26 03:36:44

I finally ditched Photoshop; thanks, Pixelmator!

The one feature I still really miss from PS is the ability to OPT+Click on a layer mask and see it in BW while having the ability to edit it with any tools, just like any other bitmap layer. For example, I sometimes modify my layer mask with level adjustments or other manual edits to the mask that are not present in the otherwise wonderful "edit mask" function in Pixelmator.

I've found a workaround: copying the mask, pasting it as a regular bitmap layer, making the edits, and then reapplying it to the target layer, but this is definitely a bit clunky.

It seems like it's a simple thing to add, but I am no engineer. :wink: