Content Aware Fill

What features would you like to see in Pixelmator Pro?
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2022-10-31 13:34:37

Is there a technique in Pixelmator Pro that replcates Photoshops 'content aware fill'?
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2023-02-15 11:13:57

by bogheadben Is there a technique in Pixelmator Pro that replcates Photoshops 'content aware fill'?
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2023-04-05 19:16:24

content aware fill +1!
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2023-04-09 15:41:48

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2023-06-08 20:23:28

Was just about to create a thread for this. +1 we need something like this. Would really speed up my workflow.
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2023-06-23 19:26:35

+1 Content Aware Fill
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2023-06-28 21:17:28

This feature is available at a number of AI generative art sites, but it would be great to have something that works natively in the program.

In the future, everybody will have this.

If one comes out soon for Pixelmator Pro, I think it would be worth paying for an upgrade. Especially if you can select a region of an image with Pixelmator's great selection tools and replace the content with generative fills based on samples and/or prompts.

Bringing these tools to graphics folks and normal people would be great.
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2023-07-22 15:48:42

Generative fill based of AI (like diffusion models) would require them to essentially host a server farm like how Adobe does with Firefly. That would definitely mean moving from a one-time purchase to a monthly subscription which I imagine a lot of Pixelmator users would not be in favor of.

+1 for Regular content fill though (Adobe Photoshop CS6 style).
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2023-07-24 14:18:43

You don't need a super computer to run a generative model, todays Macs can easily do all the Firefly, Dall-E, Stable Diffusion tricks offline. See for example.

Therefore Pixelmator Team would not necessitate a monthly subscription (which I hope the developers know many of us condone anyway – as stated on another thread, if anything I prefer a subscribe for updates model).
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2023-07-24 20:45:44


I don't know about "many" of us - I'd like to see a proper poll before anyone can definitively say that. I'd also posit that lots of people are just as equally exhausted with having to pay for yet *another* subscription.

If they did go sub model, I would suggest using JetBrains as the best practices model for that. You pay annual subscription fee, and if you stop paying, you keep the last "version" you paid for in perpetuity.

Yeah, it is possible for run SD on home computer including M1, but I'd wager that the headache of getting that setup for the average mac user would end up with Pixelmator fielding *LOTS* of support requests, e.g. What denoise do I use, hires optimization, what is inpainting. What about models/Loras/embeddings/etc.

There's also licensing associated with this as well. Pixelmator is a commercial company, they might be able to set it up to autodownload SD v1.5 but stock SD 1.5 is absolute trash compared to models like RevAnimated, Dreamlike, RealisticVision, etc.

It's a fun thought exercise, but I'd wager 99.99999% impractical to actually build this in.
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2023-07-24 20:49:25

Also forgot to mention: Moving to sub model puts them in direct competition with the big boys, e.g. Adobe. The Adobe Photoshop Plan (which includes PS and Lightroom) is only $10 / month.
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2023-07-25 13:54:01

Whoops, I meant "don't" condone haha.

This was my comment in another thread for reference:
by Mika I believe consumers have moral disagreement with the trend of renting software. Nobody has a moral disagreement with lifetime purchase models, but companies rarely consider the moral in-between – which is: subscribe for 12 months worth of software updates, then keep the software for life. – Popular music app Loopy Pro uses this model, which rewards the developers and the users. Users can still access their files, receive bug fixes, OS compatibility updates, as well as continue their subscription as long as compelling feature updates arrive. Developers receive regular, consistent payment, and better understand their user base.

Even if charged a one-time purchase fee as Loopy Pro does, I believe users will still be more compelled to subscribe in the longterm. Comparatively, Apple have introduced a subscription-only model for their iPad versions of Final Cut Pro and Logic Pro, yet customers seem generally more comfortable with this because of the higher degree of certainty that Apple will not pack up and leave the software market anytime soon. Whereas, there's far less certainty with smaller developer teams in doing the same.

The other argument against subscriptions is that as the trend continues, consumers won't be able to afford subscribing to every software package they use. If I was charged for the dozen different creative apps I use for my professional work at $30 a month, x12 months, those 12 different apps comes to $4320 a year. That's more than many can afford for software. Fortunately only 6 of these apps I use are subscription based, the rest either lifetime or free. Here's hoping our lifetime purchase is indeed lifetime, and if not, the alternative model would suffice.
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2023-07-25 14:02:59

Regarding a generative art implementation, DiffusionBee is a one-click install, I don't see a reason Pixelmator can't make downloading a model a one-click install through the app. If it works as simply as Photoshop's implementation, I'd expect it to be the best beginner tool in the package. For quick mockups, the amount of time I've saved in the Photoshop Beta with rough selections and typing in natural language like "expand image", or "add clouds", or "remove stain" for example, rather than resorting to manual work, it's been a miracle tool – it's the simple UI that makes it approachable, not the complicated math behind it; just like how using the GPT API is difficult for the average user, but when hidden behind ChatGPT, suddenly it's seamless.
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2023-09-01 16:41:26

Definitely would need this for any kind of more serious compositing work.
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2023-12-13 20:02:29

I agree, this is a must have feature! My tiny digital agency dropped PS for Pixelmator Pro (great decision) however I have to admit, this new feature is tempting me to visit the PS site more than I would like to! I could see myself/others taking advantage of it on a very...very regular basis. Pretty please for 2024?!
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2024-02-23 09:58:41

+1 Context Aware fill is the remaining thing that keeps me with Adobe right now. I'm fine with using external / cloud based tools for edge cases but been able to do more basic but still context aware fills directly in the app would cover 95-99% of my needs.
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2024-06-24 20:51:37

Definitely want content aware fill.

IMHO. it would be excellent to have the ability to hook up a generative API endpoint to use for diffusion filling.