Lens Correction

What features would you like to see in Pixelmator Photo?
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2024-03-27 12:14:46

The trouble with lens corrections is the thousands apon thousands of combinations? Do they support only certain brands? 1st party and/or 3rd party lenses?

Look at the monster database both Adobe & DxO have built, that wasn't done overnight and as soon as a new camera or lens is released the whining starts as to when its going to be supported!

I think people in general (not having a go at anybody!) need to be more realistic with Pixelmator/Photomator & the hard truth is if you want all the bells and whistles you are going to have to pay for it, hence why the likes of Adobe, DxO & CaptureOne charge the pricing they do.

That being said I would love to hear from the pixelmator team as to an updated roadmap where they are heading with both apps.

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2024-03-28 09:46:45

No need for a database. Lensfun is open source and could be used but it is not complete. Must be supplemented at least. RawPower has a great learn as you go implementation with no need for a database. As you manually correct your lens it uses those datapoints and interpolate them to auto correct later, which you can always tweak again. Far better than have nothing as is the case now. Apple RAW correct none of canon RF lenses and there is nothing I can do in photomator because it provides no basic tool. It is very frustrating and photomator should not depend on apple for this.
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2024-03-28 11:12:11

Lensfun maybe an option, but again its no different to Apple, it would mean adding something that the pixelmator team have no control over? But we know who'd get the blame because its not upto date!

Again it never ceases to amaze me that photographers will spend 1000's on cameras and lenses, yet want the software to do everything for nothing? I'm a hobbyist, so my editing needs are fairly basic - hence I don't sub to Adobe, but would I like more features in pixelmator/photomator hell yes! But I'm realistic A: its a small company B: I paid a very small amount for it vs Adobe/DxO/CaptureOne.

The photography bundle is around £75 during black friday for a year, I paid £9.99 for Photomator & bought pixelmator pro, it was that offer that tempted me to try it and see where the company goes. Before this I'd been using Darktable of course everybody's needs are different & no software will ever be 100% right
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2024-03-28 23:21:38

You are correct with Lensfun, it is another database so same issue in a way. Advantage is that it is more up do date than Apple. The easiest solution is a manual correction feature like RAWPower has, their design is excellent. Depends on no database. Lens correction is an essential feature. Modern lens design depend on it more and more, especially with ultra wide angle lenses. The high mega pixel of cameras make it possible without loosing image quality, so lens designers create lighter lens that use less glass but depend on pens correction to fix distortion and vignetting. Just the way it. I think the know they have to do it.
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2024-04-02 14:42:20

Yes, I totally agree with you... I think a tab within the editing suite for lens corrections would be most welcome
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2024-05-14 09:15:39

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2024-05-28 18:11:29

lens correction is an absolute must. Better to put more development energy into it and less into automatic photo processing and AI ;-)

So far I like Photomator a lot. I might dare to move away from LR once I have the lens correction and image rating!
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2024-06-02 13:40:46

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2024-06-25 21:16:14

Another vote for lens correction profiles! If it will take a long time for the Pixelmator team to implement an automatic approach (like Lightroom), please at least give us the ability to manually do lens corrections first!
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2024-08-24 12:36:58

+1 from me on lens correction. But also to HEIC and JPEG. I'm an amateur occasional photo taker ;) and in our family we have only mobile phones (iPhones) to take photos and make videos of our family. It would be sooooo wonderful to have the ability to automatically (maybe powered by AI) repair lens correction and distortions so that photos look good.
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2024-08-29 22:30:45

by Michal Bartos +1 from me on lens correction. But also to HEIC and JPEG. I'm an amateur occasional photo taker ;) and in our family we have only mobile phones (iPhones) to take photos and make videos of our family. It would be sooooo wonderful to have the ability to automatically (maybe powered by AI) repair lens correction and distortions so that photos look good.
Normally your phone does it all already. That is why it is more applicable to RAW photos. JPEGs are already corrected in-camera
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2024-09-18 12:08:16

+1! Please! Love the app, but we need this.