GROUP Bug or not bug (question in file STEP2 patrick file....)

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2024-05-06 07:09:16

Hello everybody

I submit a problem to you when I group 2 elements, I can't move both elements simultaneously by going to the group thumbnail. I have done the manipulation several times and each time I fall back on the same problem (question in STEP 2 Patric file…..)

I'm attaching for that

2 screenshots of the original tutorial

2 screenshots of what I did with my question in the STEP2 patrick file….

My original file

The Internet link of the tutorial in English

I don't understand what's going on: is it a bug, is it a mishandling on my part?

Thank you in advance for your return

Nice week and see you soon

Image [img]// ... png[/img]
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2024-05-06 07:13:13

in complémentaire of my question regarni BUG or NOT Image

Thank you in advance for your advice

