Pixelmator PRO on iOS

Discuss Pixelmator for iOS and mobile image editing.
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2023-12-04 17:59:18

Still waiting? Wonder if this will ever happen.... :cold_sweat:
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2024-01-06 18:43:46

I hope so :)
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2024-01-18 16:34:47

I still believe they are working on this project! Some positive words is all we need right now.
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2024-01-28 12:09:35

I don't think it will ever happen.

I love Pixelmator Pro on the Mac but since I'm 90% of my time using my iPad Pro I need a work flow that allows me to edit my projects on both with the same toolset.
For the time being I'm using Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer that allows me to do just that.

If Pixelmator Pro ever materializes on the iPad I will return.
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2024-02-02 17:48:27

I know that you all ask for Pixelmator Pro for iPad, but... would there be a difference between Pixelmator and Pixelmator Pro?

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2024-02-13 11:49:33

Are some (good) new here? Waiting for Pixelmator Pro on iPad and hoping it will be one time purchase option. I would't go for subscription.
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2024-02-14 00:35:47

I do not even know the difference between Pixelmator and Pixelmator Pro now.
Ok, here is something on that topic:
https://www.pixelmator.com/blog/2018/11 ... mator-pro/
… but this is rather vague. And was written in 2018.
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2024-02-18 10:29:56

@Mindaugas @Needham73 I think like you.

Perhaps an adaptation for VisionOS could push an iPad version, since Apple's headset is based on a variant of the iPad OS. 🤞🏻
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2024-03-12 07:28:23

Im realy currios, why there is no Pixelmator Pro Version for the ipad. Because the programm works just fine with the current layout, if you push it from the mac to the ipad with sidecar.
But i realy would love to be able to just use it one the go.
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2024-04-24 10:30:41

I hope that Pixelmator gets more effects and features and evolves into Pixelmator Pro for iPadOS and iOS. Why are you not focusing on Pixelmator anymore and leaving this area to the competition?
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2024-05-19 23:09:54

Still curious… will this ever happen? The true capabilities of the new iPad Pro’s could be really well shown off with Pixelmator Pro for iPad.
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2024-05-23 13:31:42

Im guessing it's never going to happen... to me its a massive oversight - especially with the M series of chips and universal apps... I don't get it. One would THINK it's not that difficult to make happen.
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2024-06-06 07:19:18

by Chris Fleming Im guessing it's never going to happen... to me its a massive oversight - especially with the M series of chips and universal apps... I don't get it. One would THINK it's not that difficult to make happen.
I still have high hopes and expectations for it... but currently, when using a Photomator on an iPad or iPhone, the battery drains quickly. I believe that if this issue is not resolved, it will only worsen on Pixelmator Pro.
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2024-06-16 06:10:02

Lately I noticed the Pixelmator account hint at an iPad version in response to user requests on social media. Unfortunately, well past the iPad Pro M4 launch and WWDC week, which would have been obvious times to launch, nothing has been announced. As it happens, recently I decided to downsize my setup to an iPad Pro M4 given enough pro software available to meet 90% of my workload – sad to say, I’m disappointed Pixelmator Pro is nowhere in sight.

Given my work revolves around media production, it’s been an interesting exercise seeing that I naturally gravitate toward software on iPadOS that matches their macOS counterparts the most. For example, DaVinci Resolve appeals to me more now than Final Cut Pro, simply given that the iPadOS version is more fully featured than Final Cut Pro on iPad compared to their counterparts on macOS. Same goes for Affinity Designer over Adobe Illustrator, despite previously working predominantly in the Adobe and Final Cut world through my career on Mac.

This isn’t competition over aesthetics, because I do find the DaVinci Resolve approach to mimicking the macOS interface a little weird after all; it’s a competition over features. My plea is simply that Pixelmator Team port a fully featured Pixelmator Pro to iPadOS, irrespective of which interface choices they make. I’ve requested for some time over email that the team add features to the macOS version that align with a possible future iPad release, such as making tools like Merge Shape Components and Load Selection visible in the interface rather than hidden behind menus or shortcuts. Hopefully an iPad release meets the macOS version carefully, not cutting back features out of respect to iPad being touch-first, nor does the macOS version continue to hide features that touch-first users might be looking for, because Mac users also might be working touch-first (I myself use Sidecar and sometimes Wacom).

Apple knocked it out of the park with their Logic Pro release for iPadOS, but not quite with their Final Cut Pro release. But, I think it’s clear that their software goals are to ensure eventually all features that are added to iPad work great in all situations. Final Cut on Mac for years has been using legacy code, so I don’t blame the team. But, given Pixelmator’s proactive use of the latest technologies for years, the team has the opportunity to launch a modern fully featured design software, without restraints. Here’s hoping they do so, and here’s hoping it’s soon.
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2024-07-28 22:11:20

It’s July. Please just give us masking for the iOS version of the app