Simple improvements (hopefully)

What features would you like to see in Pixelmator Photo?
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2022-04-01 05:31:37

Please consider:

- Exposure scale in stops, not percentages.
- Temperature scale in Kelvins, not percentages.
- VISIBLE eye dropper tool for temperature and tint. (Not hidden behind a secret menu, I just realized there is one!)
- Clipping indicators (whites and blacks) overlay.

Thank you!
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2022-04-02 06:01:30

Yes, I second all of those too.

I’d also maybe extend the percentages request to include most other scales too, it just kind of feels amateurish to me. Most other apps use normal numbering, such as a 0-1 scale (in decimal increments), or a 0-100 scale (or of course a -100-0-100 scale if needed).

I feel you’ve just overused that as a scaling method, and it looks a bit lazy. Or don’t try to fix something that wasn’t broken perhaps :grimacing:
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2022-04-03 15:35:18

I third this!

Stops and kelvins! This is much more intuitive for photography than an arbitrary percentage scale.
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2022-04-05 12:46:01

Thanks for the suggestions, everyone. I've passed the feedback on to the team. Can't promise much for now, but we'll see what we can do. :pray:
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2023-04-25 07:30:08

I'd like to resurrect this request.. it's been a year.
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2024-01-08 15:40:56

Resurrecting this request once more, in this new year.
White balance is now in percentage of what?
It should be in Kelvin, really!
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2024-02-29 11:36:29

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2024-02-29 13:21:55

I have to agree now the excellent (IMHO) file browser has been added I think all of these are highly important to photographers to maintain photomator as a serious editing app

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2024-03-01 14:56:40

+1. Not using kelvin on white balance is sacrilege. The file browser is great!
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2024-03-02 10:04:47

@Aurelija any updates about these small requests? They seem to be very popular among photographers.
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2024-03-13 12:34:04

+1 for option to use white balance in Kelvin - crucial for consistent RAW processing.
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2024-06-02 14:49:21


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2024-07-07 14:40:12

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2024-08-02 07:27:37

It's been more than two years since this request was posted. As others have pointed out, this is a basic, extremely important feature for any photographer worth its salt.

Kelvins for temperature, stops for exposure.
