
What features would you like to see in Pixelmator Photo?
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2023-11-18 19:16:05

Would like to request (or be shown) to be able to increase the size of the histogram, its really small (IMHO) on the mac please?

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2023-11-30 10:30:39

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2024-02-17 19:59:28

+1 for this!

And an option to turn on separate RBG channels? Also, it would be better if the corners on the histogram were straight and not rounded. As of now it is unnecessary difficult to use the histogram, but it's very responsive and nice looking compared to many others. The histogram should also reflect the overall photo with all layers combined, it is not doing it now.

On the roadmap under: "Selective face editing", I really hope they will add a vectorscope with skin tone indicator, and a way to isolate the skin tone so it would be the only parameter showing up on the vectorscope. Tools like this is very important, and useful in the editing process.
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2024-03-27 20:12:39

Agreed. I'd also love it if the histogram could be setup to show the current state of the canvas, rather than the state of an individual layer. This is especially painful if you're trying to flip back and forth between images to analyze the differences between them.
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2024-04-02 14:37:16

by Joseph Slinker Agreed. I'd also love it if the histogram could be setup to show the current state of the canvas, rather than the state of an individual layer. This is especially painful if you're trying to flip back and forth between images to analyze the differences between them.
I've noticed the UI doesn't scale with the screen resolution & I /think/ thats why the histogram especially looks so small for some of us?