Utilize scroll wheel for zooming and middle click for panning for better user experience when using a generic mouse.

What features would you like to see in Pixelmator Pro?
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2023-12-03 02:56:19

Many users prefer using generic mice for their improved ergonomics and precision control. All generic mice are equipped with a scroll wheel and middle click, a design that has existed since 1996. In numerous graphic applications, they are used for zooming and panning. In software designed for 3D work, they are widely utilized for zooming, orbiting, and panning.

It would be beneficial if Pixelmator Pro could leverage the scroll wheel and middle click functionalities. This enhancement would significantly improve the user experience when using a third-party mouse, making zooming and panning much more efficient and convenient.

Please, implement these features:

Scroll wheel up/down → Zoom out/in canvas
Middle click + drag → Panning (Hand tool)